HTML – Paragraph and Line Break Tags

pragraph and break tag

HTML <p> Paragraph Tag.

Paragraph tags are used to separate the chunk of text with a small gap. There is a small gap between the two paragraphs. 

  • The everything inside <p> tag is displayed as a paragraph. If we need to display text as separate paragraphs in a web document, we use <p> tags.
  • This tag allows you to format the page’s body tax into a paragraph format. 
  • To publish any kind of written work on websites requires the use of a paragraph. 
  • The paragraph tag is the very basis and most important tag in HTML
  • It is the block level tag because it will break the line after using another paragraph tag on the same web page.

HTML Syntax:

<p>Alexa Internet, is a California-based subsidiary company of Amazon which provides the commercial web traffic data. It is founded in 1996 independent company. Alexa was acquired by Amazon in 1999. We usually known Alexa as Alexa Traffic Rank tool. We can define Alexa in simple terms, it is the rough measure of a website’s popularity, which compared with all the others sites out there on the internet. Usually Alexa collects traffic data on the daily basis from millions and billions of users who have installed the Alexa toolbar, and such other source. Alexa will determine your rank on the basis of your visitors how many daily, monthly visitors your site is getting and it will compare with other all sites on internet.   </p> 


Alexa Internet is a California-based subsidiary company of Amazon which provides commercial web traffic data. It was founded in 1996 independent company. Alexa was acquired by Amazon in 1999. We usually know Alexa as the Alexa Traffic Rank tool. We can define Alexa in simple terms; it is the rough measure of a website’s popularity, is compared with all the other sites out there on the internet. Usually, Alexa collects traffic data on the daily basis from millions and billions of users who have installed the Alexa toolbar, and other sources. Alexa will determine your rank on the basis of your visitors, how many daily, monthly visitors your site is getting and it will compare with other sites on the internet.

The Attributes of  <P> Tag. 


  1. left,        <p align=’left’>text</p>
  2. right,      <p align=’right’>text</p>
  3. center,   <p align=’center’>text</p>
  4. justify.    <p align=’justify’>text</p>

The align attribute of paragraph tag will help us to arrange the align of the paragraph in left side, right side, and center or justify.

How to Use Paragraph Attribute,

An attribute of any tags is defined inside the tags with angle brackets see below examples for better knowing.

Paragraph Left Align:

<p align='left'>We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2.<p>

An output of Left Align:

We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2. 

Paragraph Right Align:

<p align='right'>We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2.</p>

Output or Right Align:

We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2. 

Paragraph Center Align:

<p align='center'> We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2</p>

An output of Center Align:

We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking sites. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2

Paragraph Justify Align:

<p align='justify'>We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking site. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2</p>

An output of Justify Align:

We all know Facebook is the one of the best and most popular social networking sites. The statistical site called as Alexa that determines the rank of Facebook in world is 2

The Line Break Element:

  • The line break tag <br> is the singular tag. 
  • Used to break the line on paragraphs.
  • It will produce the new line on the web page. 
  • The <br> is the element is the empty element in HTML. 
  • It doesn’t content closing tag.

HTML Example.

<p> The quick <br> brown fox <br> jumps over the lazy dog.</p>


Mostly <br> tag is used with <p> tag to produce the new line. 

Try By Yourself. 

<p>Microsoft Access is developed by Microsoft Corporation USA. <br>Microsoft Access 2010 is the revised version of MS Access 98, 2000, 2003, 2007.<br>Microsoft Access is known as a Microsoft Office Access, is a data base management system (DBMS). A database consist of a collection of interrelated data stored in standardize format <br> and a set of programs to access those data so the multiple users can share them. Database Management System (DBMS) is software that defines a database <br> stores data supports a query language, produces reports, and creates data entry etc. <br>the extension name of msaccess file is (.accdb).</p>