HTML – BIG Element and Small Element

BIG Element & Small Element

HTML <BIG> Element.

In early versions of HTML, there were 7 standard sizes of text, and the <big> element was introduced to make the contents of this element one font size larger than the rest of the text surrounding it (up to the largest size.

These days you should avoid using this element because it only has an effect on the look of the document;

It does not help describe the document’s structure or meaning. Instead, you should use CSS to change the size of the text.

HTML Code;

the following word should be <big> bigger</big> than those around it.


the following word should be  bigger than those around it.

When this element is used, it is possible to nest several <big> elements inside one another, and the content of each will get one size larger for each element.

HTML <SMALL> Element

The <small> element is the opposite of the <big> element, and its content is displayed one font size smaller than the rest of the text surrounding it.

If the font is already the smallest, it has no effect. You can nest several <small> elements inside one another, and the content of each gets one size smaller for each element.


the following word should be <small> Smaller</small> than those around it. 


the following word should be  Smaller than those around it. 

The use of this element is frowned upon, and you should aim to use CSS to change the size of text, rather than the element.