HTML – Address Tag and Abbr Tag

address and abbr tag


The HTML <address> tag defines contact information for the nearest <article> or <body> ancestor in the HTML document.

Many documents need to contain a snail-mail address, and there is a special <address> element that is used to contain addresses.

For example, here is the address for AnsMachine inside <address> element. 


<address>Kathmandu Newbaneshwor, Nepal 46000 Bizulibazzar 24509</address>


Kathmandu Newbaneshwor, Nepal 46000 Bizulibazzar 24509 A browser can display the address different than the surrounding document IE, Firefox, and Safari display it in italics form. 

It is widely used on the footer side to display addresses with contact details.  You can override the design format of the <address> element with CSS. 

HTML <ABBR> element for abbreviations

You can indicate when you are using an abbreviated form by placing the abbreviation between the opening <abbr> and closing </abbr> tags. 

When possible, consider using a title attribute whose value is the full version of the abbreviations.

For example, if you want to indicate that CPU is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit, you can use the <abbr> element,


The most important part of the Computer is <abbr title="Central Processing Unit">CPU</abbr>


The most important part of the Computer is CPU

Now when user point on the abbreviation word CPU visitor will get look like below figure,

When your mouse hovers on CPU abbr you will get the full form of the abbr. If you are abbreviating foreign word, you can also use the XML:lang attribute to indicate the language used.Â