Save Time with Windows Computer Basic Shortcut Keys

computer shortcut keys

While working on a computer, you must be very agile and quick as well as possess basic computer shortcut keys that can help you accomplish your work more quickly. We are going to list out the basic shortcut keys for Windows Computers in this article. If you are unfamiliar with it, Windows is one of the most popular operating systems.

Microsoft claims there are more than 400 million active Windows 10/Windows 11 users in the world, so if you are using Windows operating system or if you are a Windows user then these Shortcut keys will definitely help you to gain productivity; The purpose of sharing these shortcut keys is to allow you to save time when using a computer;

#1 Computer Basic Shortcut Keys

These are basic and universal computer shortcut keys you should at least remember and learn for yourself. These will definitely help you boost up your work.

Shortcut Key Feature
Alt + F File menu option in current program
Alt + E Edit options in current program
F1 Help for All Programs
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + X Cut selected item
Ctrl + Del Cut selected item
Ctrl + D Delete selected item
Ctrl + C Copy selected item
Ctrl + V Paste copied item
Shift + Insert Paste copied item
Home Beginning of the current line or file
Ctrl + Home Beginning of the document
End End of the current line
Ctrl + End End of the document
Shift + Home Highlight from current position to the beginning of the line
Shift + End Highlight from current position to the end of the line

#2 Windows Basic Shortcut Keys

These are also very important and useful Windows universal shortcut keys to follow for the quick and better optimization of your work.

Shortcut Keys Features
Alt + Tab Switch forward between open application. You can change application quickly with this key.
Alt + Shift + Tag Switch backward between open application.
Alt + PrintScreen Captures the screenshot of the current and active window or program.
Ctrl + Alt + Del Task Manager
Ctrl + Esc Quick start menu
Alt + Esc Switch application on Taskbar
F2 Rename selected file or folder
F3 Find desktop
F4 Open drive section while browsing or on explorer address bar
F5 Refresh content
Alt + F4 Close current program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Alt + Enter Properties of the window or program
Shift + F10 Open up right click on the selected program or file.
Shift + Del Delete programs files permanently
Windows + D Desktop
Windows + M Minimize windows
Windows + Shift + M Bring desktop on top of the Windows
Windows + E Explorer
Windows + Tab Opened programs
Windows + F Feedback
Windows + Ctrl + F Find Computers
Windows + F1 Help
Windows + R Run
Windows + Pause / Break System Properties
Windows + U Accessibility
Windows + L Lock the Computer


That concludes the list of Windows Computer Basic Shortcut Keys to Know. I hope these shortcut keys help you save time and be more productive. If you believe we missed any shortcut keys, please leave a comment and we will update as soon as possible;

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