What is Binary Logic & Logical Gates Representation?

binary logic

Binary logic deals with variables that take on two discrete values and which operations that assume logical meaning. The two values of the variables take may be called by different names (e.g true and false, yes and no).

But for our purpose, it is convenient to think in terms of bits and assign the values of 1 and 0. Binary logic is used to describe, in a mathematical way, the manipulation, and processing of binary information.

It is particularly suited for the analysis and design of digital systems. Actually binary logic consists of binary variables and logical operations.

The variables are designated by letters of the alphabet such as A, B, C, x, y, z, etc…with each variable having two and only two distinct possible values; 1 as true and 0 as a false (0 and 1).

And there are few logical operations that can be called as an AND, OR and NOT.

While explaining these logical operations

AND: is known as multiplication and represented by . sign in digital logic and in a formal expression it can be written as an A.B = AB or 1.1 = 1 or we can say that x.y = z.

OR: is known as an addition and it can be represented by the + in digital logic the formal expression can write as an A+B = C or 1+1 = 1.

NOT: this operation is the inverse of all where we can represent this by writing following x’ = z or 1 = 0. We will be complementing the value of the input.