What is Search Engine Optimization & How Does it Work?

Search Engine Optimization

Our topic in this article is SEO – Search Engine Optimization for Websites. We will cover the basics of SEO along with step-by-step instructions. This article will undoubtedly assist you in understanding the fundamentals of SEO if you’re new to SEO and want some basics and a beginner’s guide.

What is Search Engine Optimization for Website

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is required for positioning your website or blogs on search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo etc… This is the process of improving search queries, SEO helps to get organic traffic rather then the direct traffic or the paid traffic.

SEO can help us drive visitors, customers through Search Engines and that means we can grow our business online as well. Just creating a website doesn’t mean that you will get more customer you have to workout on marketing aspect as well.

How Does it Work?

How Does SEO Work

SEO is challenging task for beginners, when you start working in this field. It does depends on different tactics, depends on keywords research, content creation, page speed optimization to increase the website visibility on search engine.

  • Crawling
  • Indexing
  • Keywords Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Backlinks
  • Ranking

Now here I’m going to cover some of the basic strategies those are the backbone of the SEO as well as basics.

Content Matters

Among SEO Consultants / Business Advisors / Bloggers / Writers, content is viewed as the king of the website. In a sense, they are absolutely right. Content is the king of a website. Content marketing is one of the major strategy for digital marketers or the search engine specialist. The only way to optimize a site is to have properly researched and written content.

There are SEO Tools and Techniques for the research and writing the content. Below are the Search Engine Optimization Techniques to be used when you work on content marketing or content writing for a website.

  1. You can post the latest news related to your niche on a blog on your website.
  2. Your readers will be more likely to pay attention if you post podcasts or vlogs on your website.
  3. Include case studies if you have them.
  4. If you have a blog, you can write how-to guides and tutorials that will help your readers, who will enjoy them as well.
  5. A major part of content marketing is infographics.

Start with a content piece and then work on optimizing it and adding images, etc.

On Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to optimizing a page on a website. It is done by optimizing the page itself. Suppose you began with other marketing methods like Social Media, Banner Ads, etc. before moving on to the on-page. That is not the right approach.

This will not work effectively since your content is not targeted and effective for the audience you are trying to reach. In order to be successful, it is essential to work on on-page SEO and to use other strategies. In this section, we will discuss a few on-page SEO strategies.

Title Tag Optimization

Website title tag needs to be optimized, here you have to put your focused keywords as well as secondary keywords. You can see below image with yellow highlighted text that is the title tag which gets’ indexed on a search engine.

Meta Description

Meta description gives search engines a brief about your website, what you exactly do online. That means it will be visible to the readers those who are looking for you. That yellow highlighted text is the example of the meta description. You have to put valid meta descriptions with the keywords related to your website.

These two things are mandatory to optimize while doing SEO of any website. Furthermore there few more things those needs to be optimized.

Header Tag (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6)

Website Heading Tag for SEO

Header tag has six levels and website structure must be based on header tags as well it’s because header tag represents the level of the text. H1 – show that it’s the primary title of the article or your website that means it will get higher priority on ranking.

Search engine robots also crawl for H1 tags for ranking, if they have proper structure and keywords on them than that will be effective otherwise it will ruin everything.

Let’s take an example,

If you are putting multiple <h1> tags on the homepage then search engine robots may get confused about which <h1> to take as a primary. So you must understand that you have to put only one <h1> tag per page.

After <h1> level you can use other levels structure wise. Like

<h1> Chapter 1 </h1>
<h2> 1.1 Introduction of the Topic </h2>
<h3> 1.1.1 Description about the Topic </h3>
<h3> 1.1.2 Examples of the Topic </h3>
<h2> 1.2 Core Development Strategy</h2>
<h3> 1.2.1 Introduction of the Development </h3>

You can follow heading structure likewise and as per your need but do not repeat <h1> tag again and again on the same page.

Image ALT Text optimization

Visuals can make a greater impact than the content but to rank them you really need to work on image optimization. Search Engine bots cannot recognize the image with the visual pictures but they can recognize that image with the name or ALT text where you will give the name of the image and that can help you place image top on the search engine it that is unique as well as your own.

Google as Image Search Engine as well right? If you can rank your image on Image search engine then that also can help you drive more traffic. That is the alt text I’ve put for that particular image and that helped me to rank on Image search engine.

Image ALT Tag

So you need to consider image optimization by using ALT text on your website images. It’s mandatory to optimize images so that can help you push your on-page SEO to next level. That above image is from WordPress which has a setting to optimize images with ALT text. WordPress us easy for optimizing images.

Bold/Italic/Underlined Text

On-page SEO means not something technical that is also related to attention-grabbing. So Bold/Italic/Underlined text can help you grab attraction of your visitors. But there is a limitation of using those, you cannot use bold/italic/underlined text massively that is against the rule so make sure you use these for optimization only.

Off-Page SEO

Generally, off-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is known as techniques that have to be applied outside of the webpage. It covers many topics like site submission, link building, press release, blog submissions, forum submission etc…

Link Building

After you done with the on-page SEO now it’s time to workout for off-page SEO. Here you have to get links from other websites to your website so that that can help you build a PR (Public Relation).

Along with that PR or OR (Online Relation), we can say that it can help you ping your website on a search engine as well. Search Engine Bots will crawl your URL as well and they will rank your website on the better place if you have to build genuine and valid link.

Link Building is one of the most talked as well as applied technique in SEO for getting better ranking position on search engine.

  1. Press release can help you grab some quality links from news sites.
  2. Guest blogging is one of the major ways for link building from high authority sites.

There are many more ideas to build links to your website but these three are the ultimate way and if you can workout on those three ways then that will be enough to get started.

Wrapping it up.

These two on-page and off-page search engine optimization techniques are main for better SEO. Just get started with those and see amazing results as well as traffic on your analytics monitoring site. If you have any queries please let us know in the comment section of this blog, we will surely answer your queries.