Difference Between Analog and Digital Signals

Analog Signal

The term Analog is a taken from “Greek” word “analogos”. Analog signals are a representation of time-varying quantities in a continuous signal.

Analog signals work with natural phenomena and physical values like frequency, earthquake, volcano, the flow of water, speed of wind, weight, lighting etc.

Figure of Analog Signal

Characteristics of Analog Signal

  1. It works on continuous data. 
  2. It is used to measure natural or physical values. 
  3. It is specific to a particular task. Hence it is not versatile. 
  4. Accuracy of analog signal is not high in comparison of digital signal. 
  5. Analog signal output form is like Curve, Line or Graph, so it may not be meaningful to all.

Digital Signal 

The Digital signal having a discrete set of values. Digital signals are a series of ONs and OFFs (represented by 1s and 0s).

These can be voltages going from a high (one) value to a low (zero) value or flashes of light. It is usually encoded into binary in order to carry out the information.

Figure of Digital Signal

Characteristics of Digital Signal

  1. Digital Signal are continuous signals
  2. Digital signal can be processed and transmitted more efficiently and reliable than analog signal.
  3. Digital signal are versatile, we can use digital signals widely than analog signals
  4. Accuracy of digital signal is higher than that of analog signal
  5. Digital signal based on binary form 0’s and 1’s