Strong Tag and Comment Tag Web Development

HTML – Strong Tag and Comment Tag

  • December 22, 2020

HTML <strong> Tag The strong tag works like as <b> [Bold] tag.    The strong tag indicates the text strong or important. If any of your content is important,  then you can use the strong tag to indicate that text on your web page. It is pair tag, means it has start and end tag. <strong> […]

SUB (Subscript) and SUP (Superscript) Tags Web Development

HTML – Subscript in HTML and SUP (Superscript)

  • December 22, 2020

Subscript in HTML The tag <sub> is defined as subscript in html.  It is widely used to place subscripted text on web pages. It is a paired tag. It has a start tag <sub> and closing tag </sub> Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line and is sometimes rendered in a smaller […]

Encapsulation in Java Programming

Java – Encapsulation in Java

  • December 22, 2020

Encapsulation is a protective mechanism by which members of a class (method and variables) are prevented from being accessed by members of other class.   The best example of encapsulation is the class because that binds its variables and methods and hides their complexity from other class.   In a class, the general variables and […]

For Each Loop for Associative Array Programming

Java – For Each Loop for Associative Array

  • December 22, 2020

The for-each loop is specially used to handle elements of a collection or mostly i is used to handling associative array. A collection is represented by a group of elements or objects. The list is an example of the collection since it stores a group of objects. The for-each loop repeatedly executes a group of […]

Use of Final Keyword in Java Programming

Java – Use of Final Keyword in Java

  • December 22, 2020

If you declared Java variable is final, then that variable cannot re-declared that declaration for the single time. Means that variable can be initialized only for a single time.  If Java classes are declared final, then those Java classes cannot be further extended. It means you cannot inherit the data from the superclass. The final […]

Extends Keyword for Inheritance Programming

Java – Extends Keyword for Inheritance

  • December 22, 2020

In inheritance, the base class inherits the superclass. To inherit a class in Java extends keyword is used in the subclass definition to inherit a superclass. Create two Java class first: MyInfo, second is FullInfo extends from MyInfo. This means FullInfo will inherit information from MyInfo class. Inheritance is used to do work faster. Here […]

Program to Take Input and Display Programming

Java- Program to Take Input and Display

  • December 22, 2020

Write a Java program to take input from user as “Name” and Display as “Hello Name” Input Your This program is done by using Scanner class to use Scanner class you have to import page called Scanner import java.util.Scanner; Java Scanner class is used to enable keyboard for input operations Scanner obj_name = new Scanner(; […]

Abstraction in Java Programming

Java – Abstraction in Java Programming

  • December 22, 2020

Abstraction is the mechanism by which you hide data that is not required by a user. The advantage of abstraction is that the user can work only with the needed data and is not required to view the unwanted data. i.e the owner of the car must know how to drive. In OOPs, you must […]