What is Data Structure? Why Do We Require This?

data structure

Question: What is Data Structure? Data is the basic factor entity that is utilized in calculation or manipulation. There are two different type of data numerical and alpha-numerical data and these two data type defines that the nature of data item under that goes some operations, like integer floating point data character constant and such other data items or data type.

Read: Difference Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types

The study of data structure, therefore, involves two complementary goals. The first goal is to identify and develop useful mathematical entities and operations. The second goal is to determine representation for those abstract entities and to implement the abstract operations.

In data structure that exists in C the array and structure, we describe the facilities that are available in C for utilizing these structures of these also focus on the abstract definitions of these data structures how they can be useful in problem-solving.

Data may be the single value or it may be a set of values whether it is a single value or group of values to be processed must be organized in a particular fashion this organizing in particular fashion.

This organization leads to the structuring of data. The data structure is required for organizing the data in a mathematically way to solve the problems in an efficient and effective manner.

The data structure is the building block of the program or it is a systematic way of organizing a collection of data in the mathematical structure.