The Quickest & Easiest Way To REMOVE BROKEN LINKS

remove broken links

Maybe you are wondering what broken links are in search engine optimization and why you should fix them? This article answers your question.

In the event that a web developer or blogger deletes a link and places an incorrect URL in the text or link, without updating the URL at the appropriate place, a broken link is created. Basically, you can understand them in terms of 404 errors, etc.

Broken links are known permanently unavailable links on the website. Breaking the path between one link to another link real-time example will be a bridge in tech words dead links, unavailable links, improper links are known as broken links.

Each and every webmaster must check for broken links and either fix them or remove them permanently from their websites. Damage caused by broken links can be severe.

Consider what broken links can do if you still have any doubts. Broken links will prevent repeat visitors from returning. They will increase your bounce rate and there will be other losses as well.

How Broken Links Can Hurt Your SEO?

The value of SEO and digital marketing work is affected by broken links. In turn, it decreases the conversion rate for your website. As a result, they indirectly harm SEO by affecting site timing, bounce rate, and session timing. Moreover, it is detrimental to the ranking of SEO, as the juices that are passing to the articles may affect the cases.

According to Brokenlinkcheck.Com, Broken links can a lot of loss so what are these you can check here…

  1. Broken links can lose customers while current customers are coming to your website for something interesting and if they find that article is not available currently then they may get frustrated with your site and will never come back again.
  2. Broken links can cause problems in getting new customers. This will break the path between bridges so new customers can’t come directly to your site. It will make it difficult to find your site for better service.
  3. The big loss is the damage to your reputation online. When some new visitors and customers are visiting your site and if they don’t find what they are looking for then that will cause a negative impact.
  4. Have a negative impact on your website’s ratings with major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc

So when you are linking your content to another site or another article on your site and any work of building links you always have to be careful while building links.

When users are not finding things due to the broken link then they will get a message on their screen, you should decorate your message on your site. So they can come again to visit your site.

broken link

How to Find and Fix Broken Links on Your Website

In order to find broken links, there are a variety of online tools available today I am sharing my favorite tool that I always use to find broken links and remove them. You can find it at Brokenlinkcheck.Com. is a free online website validator/integrity checker/problem detection tool that can check your web pages for broken/dead links, validate, find, and report bad hyperlinks if any are found. If very simple to use, follow the steps

broken link finder

In order to check for broken links, you just need to enter your site, and below you will find a security code that must be entered correctly.

You will receive an alert box on your screen if you enter the wrong code, and a new code will be generated. It is possible to report only specific broken links through “Report distinct broken links only”.

You can select the way you want to report broken links and then hit Find broken links! Once you click the button, wait a few seconds and you will see a list of broken links.