Difference Between System Analysis and System Design

System Analysis and System Design

As you learn the perspective and differences between system analysis and system design, you will gain an understanding of both.

What is System Analysis?

A systems analysis is “the process of identifying and creating systems and procedures to help achieve the purpose and goals of a procedure or business.” It does analyze the problem and examine it to find out the solutions.

What is System Design?

To satisfy specific requirements, systems design defines the architecture, product design, modules, interfaces, and data for a system.

One can think of systems design as applying systems theory to product development. System design is the creator of information systems which includes the solution to the program.

Difference Between System Analysis and System Design

System Analysis

  • System Analysis is the examination of the problem.
  • It is concerned with identifying all contains.
  • It deals with data collection and a datelined evaluation of existing file.
  • In System Analysis part the main focus on data flow diagram and data dictionary.

System Design

  • System Design is the creator of information system which is solution to the program.
  • It is concerned with erudition of the activities for a particular system goal.
  • It deals with general design specification detailed design specification I/O files and procedures.
  • It also deals with program construction testing and user acceptance.
  • It provides technical specification and reports by which problems can be trapped.