Microsoft Word Important Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Word Useful Shortcut Keys

These are the most useful shortcut keys to be remembered while using Microsoft Word. These are old shortcut keys and still, work on the new version of Microsoft Office as well.

  • Ctrl + A                                                          Select all contents of the page
  • Ctrl + B                                                          Bold highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + C                                                          Copy selected text
  • Ctrl + X                                                          Cut selected text
  • Ctrl + N                                                         Open new/blank document
  • Ctrl + O                                                         Open options
  • Ctrl + P                                                          Open the print window
  • Ctrl + F                                                          Open find box
  • Ctrl + I                                                           Italicize highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + K                                                          Insert link
  • Ctrl + U                                                          Underline highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + V                                                          Paste
  • Ctrl + Y                                                          Redo the last action performed
  • Ctrl + Z                                                          Undo last action
  • Ctrl + G                                                          Find and replace options
  • Ctrl + H                                                          Find and replace options
  • Ctrl + J                                                           Justify paragraph alignment
  • Ctrl + L                                                           Align selected text or line to the left
  • Ctrl + Q                                                          Align selected paragraph to the left
  • Ctrl + E                                                           Align selected text or line to the center
  • Ctrl + R                                                           Align selected text or line to the right
  • Ctrl + M                                                          indent the paragraph
  • Ctrl + T                                                           Hanging indent
  • Ctrl + D                                                           Font options
  • Ctrl + Shift + F                                               Change the font
  • Ctrl + Shift + >                                              Increase selected font +1
  • Ctrl +]                                                            Increase selected font +1
  • Ctrl + Shift + <                                               Decrease selected font -1
  • Ctrl + [                                                            Decrease selected font -1
  • Ctrl + Shift + *                                               View or hide non printing characters
  • Ctrl + f                                                            Move one word to the left
  • Ctrl + 1                                                            Single-space lines
  • Ctrl + 2                                                            Double-space lines
  • Ctrl + 5                                                            1.5-line spacing
  • Ctrl + End                                                       Move cursor to end of document
  • Ctrl + Home                                                    Move cursor to beginning of document
  • Ctrl + Space                                                    Reset highlighted text to default font
  • Ctrl + Alt + 1                                                  Change text to heading 1
  • Ctrl + Alt + 2                                                  Change text to heading 2
  • Ctrl + Alt + 3                                                  Change text to heading 3
  • Ctrl + g                                                            Move one word to the right
  • Ctrl + h                                                            Move to beginning of the line or paragraph
  • Ctrl + i                                                             Move to the end of the paragraph
  • Ctrl + Del                                                        Deletes word to the right of the cursor
  • Ctrl + Backspace                                             Delete word to the left of the cursor
  • F1                                                                    Open help
  • Shift + F3                                                        Change case of selected text
  • Shift + Insert                                                   Paste
  • F4                                                                    Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
  • F7                                                                    Spell check selected text and/or document
  • Shift + F7                                                        Activate the thesaurus
  • F12                                                                 Save as
  • Ctrl + S                                                           Save
  • Shift + F12                                                     Save
  • Alt + Shift + D                                               Insert the current date
  • Alt + Shift + T                                                Insert the current time
  • Ctrl + W                                                          Close document
  • Ctrl + 0                                                            Ads or removes 6pts of spacing before a paragraph.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L                                               quickly creates a bullet point.
  • Ctrl + Spacebar                                               Reset highlighted text to the default font.
  • Alt + Ctrl + F2                                                Open new document.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6                                             Opens to another open Microsoft Word document.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12                                           Prints the document.
  • F5                                                                    Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F3                                                        Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
  • Shift + F7                                                        Runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.

I hope these will be very helpful and useful for you while using Microsoft Office.
