How to Change Folder Icon in Windows 11

change icons

Windows 11 offers so many cool features, and one of them is the ability to change folder icons. Despite the fact that they have upgraded their UI/UX, I hope they will update the icons and change the color soon.

In this article, you will learn how to change the folder icon in Windows 11 or the previous versions if you are using it. The method is the same.

You just have to follow the given steps that are all.

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Steps to Change Folder Icon in Windows 11

  • Choose the folder that you are willing to change the icon.
  • Now right-click on the folder
  • Then after you will see the properties option. Just click on that and you will be prompted to the properties of that folder. Where you will get to see the details of the folder size and if there are any subfolders you will get information as well.
  • At the end of the menu, you will see Customize option and that’s the key to changing your folder’s icon. Click on customize and you will see more options like if you are willing to set that icon to all the subfolders or just the root directory.
  • Below that you will get to see the Change Icon button, from there you can select your desired icon for the specified folder.
  • If in case if you want to restore it to the previous icon, you can come back again to the customize button and you can see the restore option there.

Note that if you have customized icons, you can browse and use them as well.Â