How to Enable DKIM in Namecheap

How to Enable DKIM in Namecheap

Email security is of utmost importance in today’s digital landscape, with phishing attacks and email fraud on the rise. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a crucial email authentication protocol that helps verify the authenticity of email messages and ensures they haven’t been tampered with during transit.

If you’re using Namecheap as your domain registrar and email hosting provider, enabling DKIM for your domain is a wise step to enhance your email security. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of enabling DKIM in Namecheap.

What is DKIM?

Before we dive into the steps, let’s briefly understand what DKIM is and why it’s essential:

  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM is an email authentication method that allows an organization to take responsibility for a message in a way that can be verified by the recipient. It uses cryptographic signatures to ensure that the email content remains unchanged from the sender to the recipient, reducing the chances of email spoofing and phishing.

Enabling DKIM in Namecheap

Here’s a step-by-step guide to enabling DKIM for your domain in Namecheap:

Step 1: Log in to your Namecheap Account

Visit the Namecheap website ( and log in to your account using your username and password.

Step 2: Access Your Domain List

Once logged in, click on the “Account” option in the top-right corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “Dashboard.” On the dashboard, you’ll find a list of your domains. Click on the domain for which you want to enable DKIM.

Step 3: Access the Advanced DNS Settings

Within your domain management panel, look for the “Advanced DNS” tab or a similar option, which is where you’ll configure DNS records like DKIM. Click on this tab to proceed.

Step 4: Add a DKIM Record

Now, you need to add a DKIM record to your domain’s DNS settings. DKIM records consist of two parts: the selector and the public key.

  • Selector: Choose a unique name for the selector. It’s commonly something like “default” or “s1,” but it can be any alphanumeric string.
  • Public Key: The public key is usually provided by your email service provider or hosting company. It’s a long string of characters.

In the DNS settings, you’ll typically need to create a TXT record. Enter the selector as the hostname and the public key as the value. It should look something like this:

Selector._domainkey IN TXT "Public_Key_Goes_Here"

Replace “Selector” with your chosen selector and “Public_Key_Goes_Here” with the actual public key provided by your email service provider.

Step 5: Save the Changes

After entering the DKIM record details, save the changes to your DNS settings. This step might involve clicking a “Save” or “Add Record” button, depending on the DNS management interface used by Namecheap.

Step 6: Verify DKIM Configuration

It may take some time for DNS changes to propagate across the internet. You can use online DKIM verification tools to confirm that your DKIM configuration is correct.


Enabling DKIM in Namecheap is a crucial step to enhance the security and authenticity of your email communication. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can configure DKIM for your domain and help prevent email spoofing and phishing attacks. Remember that while the steps described here are generally applicable, the exact process may vary slightly depending on the specific DNS management interface provided by Namecheap at the time of your setup.