DRAM vs. SRAM Differences You Should Know


A dynamic RAM loses the stored information in a very short time even though the power supply is on. Thus, DRAMs have to be refreshed time and time again. The costs of DRAMs are less. They can be used whenever we need a large memory capacity.

Here is what you need to know about Dynamic RAM’s

  • It is dense, meaning that we can pack a lot of bits into a very small chip and it is inexpensive which makes it affordable for a large amount of memory.
  • DRAM gets its name from the fact that it must be refreshed frequently. (The term refreshing means recharging the RAM chips with electricity.)
  • DRAM chips must be recharged many times each second or they will lose their contents.
  • The memory cells in a DRAM chip are tiny capacitors that retain a charge to indicate a bit.
  • DRAM must be constantly refreshed or the electrical charges in the individual memory capacitors will drain and the data will be lost.
  • The charge slowly leaks from the cells and has to be topped up constantly called “Refreshing”.
  • It is not that much expensive as SRAM

A static RAM retains stored data, information, and programs as long as the power supply is On. The cost of static RAMs is high. The SRAMs have higher speed as compared to Dynamic RAM’s but they are too expensive to use everywhere so rather than using static RAM’s for general-purpose we will be more using DRAM for personal use.

Here is what you need to know about Static RAM’s

  • It does not need periodic refresh rates like DRAM.
  • Due to the design of SRAM, not only are refresh rates unnecessary but SRAM is much faster than
  • Transistors are used instead of capacitors in SRAM.
  • Transistors do not lose their charge.
  • SRAM is much faster but lower in density and more expensive.
  • The lower in density means that SRAM chips are both physically larger and store many fewer bit
  • Much more expensive than DRAM.

Note: RAM is volatile memory used to hold instructions and data of currently running programs. It loses integrity after loss of power. RAM memory modules are installed into slots on the computer motherboard. ROM (Read-Only Memory) is nonvolatile: data stored in ROM maintains integrity after loss of power.


ROM is non volatile Non-volatile memory is memory that retains its values even when power is removed. Earlier forms of non-volatile memory included various forms of read-only memory (ROM). … A common use for non-volatile memory is to hold the instructions first executed when the computer is turned on.