Differentiate Between 2 Tier and 3 Tier Architecture

2-Tier Architecture and 3-Tier Architecture

In this article, you will get to know the difference between 2 tier architecture and 3 tier architecture. This is most important to understand in a client-server architecture.

2- Tier Architecture

Client/server applications started with a simple, 2-tiered model consisting of a client and an application server.  

The most common implementation is a ‘fat’ client – ‘thin’ server architecture, placing application logic in the client.  

The database simply reports the results of queries implemented via dynamic SQL using a call level interface (CLI) such as Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).  

It is a client-server architecture which can have direct communication and run faster (tight coupled)

2 tier architecture has two parts 1. The client application (client tier). 2. Database (data tier).

On the client application side, the code is written for saving the data in the SQL server database.

Easy to maintain and modification is a bit easy Communication is faster The performance will be decreased if the user increases The problem with the Two-Tier Architecture is the server cannot respond to multiple requests at the same time which causes data integrity issues.

3 – Tier Architecture

The components of the three-tiered architecture are divided into three layers: a presentation layer, the functionality layer, and data layer, which must be logically separate.  

The 3-tier architecture attempts to overcome some of the limitations of 2-tier schemes by separating presentation, processing, and data into separate distinct entities.  

The middle-tier servers are typically coded in a highly portable, non-proprietary language such as

Middle-tier functionality servers may be multithreaded and can be accessed by multiple clients, even those from separate applications.  

A web-based application which can have three layers

1. Client Layer UI part of the application used to design where data is presented and input is taken from the user.

2. Business Layer Here calculation, insertion, and modification can be done. Makes communication faster between client and data layer

3. Data Layer the actual database is a data layer, perform insert, update, delete, get data from a database based on the input. Middleware is used to communicate faster.