Characteristics of Critical and Uncritical Thinkers

Critical and Uncritical Thinkers

As per the theories and definitions by Noam Chomsky, the beginning of science is the ability to be amazed by apparently simple things, which is known as critical thinking.

Moore & Parker said Critical thinking is careful and deliberate determination of whether to accept, reject or suspend judgment.

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Critical thinking includes some skills

  • Analysis
  • Interpretation
  • Self-regulation
  • Interface
  • Explanation
  • Evaluation

Here are the charactertistics of Critical Thinker and Uncritical thinker.

Critical Thinker

  • They have a passionate drive for clarity, precision, accuracy, and other critical thinking standards.
  • Mostly they are sensitive in ways in which critical thinking can be skewed by egocentrism, sociocentrism, wishful thinking, and other impediments (a hindrance or obstruction in doing something).
  • Understand the value of critical thinking, both o individuals and to society as a whole.
  • Are intellectually honest with themselves, acknowledging what they don’t know and recognizing their limitations.
  • They take things open-mindedly to opposing points of view and welcome criticism of beliefs and assumptions.
  • They only talk based on their beliefs or even the facts or evidence rather than on personal preference or self-interest.
  • Think independently and are not afraid to disagree with group opinions.
  • Pursue truth and are curious about a wide range of issues.
  • They are always aware of the biases and preconceptions that shape the way they perceive the world.

Uncritical Thinker

  • Often think in ways that are unclear, imprecise, and inaccurate.
  • Often fall prey to egocentrism, sociocentrism, relativistic thinking, unwarranted assumptions, and wishful thinking.
  • They don’t see critical thinking as a good value point.
  • Pretend they know more than they do and ignore their limitations.
  • They are close-minded people and resist criticism of beliefs and assumptions.
  • Often base beliefs on mere personal preference of self-interest.
  • Lack awareness of their own biases and preconception.
  • They always tend to engage in groupthink, uncritically following the beliefs and values of the crowd.
  • They are easily distracted and lack the ability to zero in on the essence of an issue or a problem.
  • Tend not to preserve when they encounter intellectual obstacles or difficulties.