C – Structure Explanation of C Program

C programming is an High Level Programming Language. It is developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT & T Bell Labs. 

Example:  Definition before start programming we have to know basic things.  /* for comment about program */ header files are required, these are standard input/output library files. examples,

  • #include<stdio.h> 
  • #include<conio.h> 
  • #include<math.h> 
  • #include<ctype.h>
  • #include<string.h> etc.

the header files are always start with # character set and enclosed with less then  greater than sign 

void main() or main(): 

The main function is used for execute the program from beginning, this is means every program contain main function, the main function always enclosed with braces ().


/* A program to print hello world*/
--- Comment about program. 
#include<stdio.h>/*Header files- or preprocessor*/
int main(void)/* main finction*/ 
{/* statement start with curly braces*/   
printf("Hello,world"); /* it is end with semicolon signs ;*/   
return 0;} 

/* statement closed with curly braces*/


Explanation of this program.

/* this program…*/

The symbols /* and */ are comment. Comments are ignored by the compiler, and it is used to provide useful information for humans that will read the program.

void main ()

C program consist of one or more functions. Void main is known as a function not a variable.  () used to denote the function.


Braces are the body of the function, which consist of one or more instructions (statement).


Is a library function that is used to print on the standard input/output.

“Hello Worldn”

It is a string constant.


Is the newline character or these are called escape sequence characters.


A semicolon terminates a statement.

Return 0;

Return the value zero to the operating system. Note: C is case sensitive, so the names of the functions (main and printf) must be typed in lower case as above.