Types of Unguided or Wireless Media What is & Queries

Different Types of Unguided or Wireless Media

  • May 24, 2020

In this very article, we will be discussing the different types of unguided or wireless media for communications. Please comment down if you have any queries. Microwave System Microwave systems transmit high-speed radio signals in a line of sight path between relay stations i.e transmission from one antenna to another usually placed on top of […]

Non-Linear Data Structure and Algorithm Technology

Non-Linear Data Structure and Algorithm

  • May 24, 2020

The implementations of Stacks and Queues from linear data structures.  They cannot represent data items possessing hierarchical relationships such as between the grandfather and his descendants and in turn their descendants and so on. We need a non-linear data structure to deal with such an application in a real-life situation. Trees and graphs are two […]